Cultural Face Painting Challenge Winners:
We are excited to announce the three Cultural Face Painting Challenge winners! Please see video with announcers Artist, Laura Hoyos and Latina Surge National President, Elisa Charters.

We take action in Allyship! We postponed the original June 4th event date (Mother’s Equal Pay Day), in support of our Black brothers and sisters. We act in Allyship supporting and collaborating with Black and AfroLatinx communities regionally, nationally and globally to fight anti-racism and to champion racial and gender equality.
Sign up for our virtual #10000Mamacitas event hosted on Wednesday, June 24th at 12pm EST to learn more about using your Latina/x VOICE and VISION for social justice, equal pay, professional development and economic stability.
Take positive action and make a statement of unity by participating in our #10000Mamacitas Cultural Face Painting Challenge.
Regístrese para nuestro evento virtual #10000Mamacitas que se llevará a cabo el miércoles 24 de junio a las 12 p.m. EST para obtener más información sobre cómo usar su VOZ y VISIÓN Latina por y para la justicia social, igualdad de remuneración, desarrollo profesional y estabilidad económica.
Tome medidas positivas y haga una declaración de unidad participando en nuestro #10000Mamacitas Desafío cultural de pintarse la cara.
Reaching #10000Mamacitas by November 2020 (Latina Equal Pay Day). We are launching on Wednesday, June 24th at 12pm EST to share awareness about using our Latina/x VOICE and VISION for inclusion progress in social justice, equal pay, professional development and economic stability.
Take positive action and make a statement of unity by participating in both our #10000Mamacitas Virtual Event and Cultural Face Painting Challenge. Plan your own empowered outreach in the months to come by utilizing our Cafecito expert speaker recommendations as a guide for your professional development, small business and community success.
Regístrese para nuestro evento virtual #10000Mamacitas que se llevará a cabo el miércoles 24 de junio a las 12 p.m. EST para obtener más información sobre cómo usar su VOZ y VISIÓN Latina por y para la justicia social, igualdad de remuneración, desarrollo profesional y estabilidad económica.
Tome medidas positivas y haga una declaración de unidad participando en nuestro #10000Mamacitas Desafío cultural de pintarse la cara.
Latina Surge National, a registered 501c3 nonprofit, has launched this platform with PowHer New York, and many other invested empowerment organizations and supporters (see community partner logos below).
Wednesday, June 24th at 12pm to 1:30pm EST (please use Sign up buttons on this page).
This is a fully inclusive event inviting anyone who supports inclusion to sign up. Registration is required.
Who is a #mamacita?
Anyone committed to sharing their VOICE and VISION in unity, to help shape comprehensive societal recovery and economic stability for women, Black and Multicultural communities of color. Our Latina/x goal is to actively self-empower and engage to close gaps in racial and gender equality.
Many of us recognize that the term ‘mamacita’ has been used in different contexts. We are empowered to take back this endearing term recognizing that ‘mamacitas’ in Latinx villages throughout the Caribbean Islands, Central and South America, and the ‘mamas’ in villages thoughtout Africa, are the women in the community that uphold the community, from the greatest celebrations of giving life to the most challenging of circumstances in the circle of life as exemplified by Artist, Laura Hoyos, in our #10000Mamacitas logo.
We believe that it is time to proactively take back this word away from anyone using it against us, inappropriately or disrespectfully. Mothers — Mamacitas — Mamas — keep families going; keep their communities going.
Women deserve respect. With the amplified racial and gender disparities realized through the COVID19 pandemic, we need to VOICE our support of a VISION STATEMENT reflecting what ideal inclusion authentically means.
Virtually via Zoom and Facebook Streaming. The first 500 tickets are FREE and give access to multiple Cafecito expert speakers on Zoom; the remaining 9500 tickets (for June 24th and for re-screenings) cost $8.
Spanish translations will be provided for the Headlining speakers and for Cafecito expert speakers.
We want to share our stories of perseverance, coming together with our collective VOICE and VISION to help shape comprehensive societal recovery and economic stability for women, Black and Multicultural communities of color.
Our Latina/x goal is to actively engage to close gaps in racial and gender equality by creating a VISION STATEMENT with our active input (via event surveys) to be presented to government officials and business leaders for greater overall inclusion and positive outcomes.
We plan to share our VISION STATEMENT perspectives with PowHer New York as a supplement to the overarching VISION STATEMENT that PowHer New York is organizing with over 100 empowerment organizations.
Special thanks to Dynamics Multilingual Services for communications for #10000Mamacitas Spanish Translations.

Our amazing volunteers
The #10000Mamacitas Event Planning & TechNICAL Team

Maria Diaz – Event Planning Chair
Owner of Order & Ease

Monica Milan – Owner/ED of Corp. Events
Stumpy’s Hatchet House of Green Brook

Laura Hoyos – Event Creative Director & Owner of Paint2Smile

Marlene Cadillo – Event Social Media & Owner of Feroz Marketing

Tatiana Vivas – Owner of Savas Group USA

Zachary Zembower – Audio and Streaming Specialist

Vicente Villalba – Owner of Dynamics Multilingual Services
Our collective goal is to actively engage to close gaps in racial and gender equality.

Coming together with our collective VOICE and VISION to help shape comprehensive societal recovery and economic stability for women and multicultural communities of color.

Critical Focus Areas for Our Latina/x Vision Statement
Employment/Professional Development
Education/Higher Education
Criminal Justice/Incarceration
Access to Healthcare
Food security
Violence Against Women
Equal pay (46% Differential!)
Wealth Generation
Supplier Diversity
Why #10000Mamacitas & Cultural Face Painting Challenge?
Please Note New Date: June 24th 12pm-1:30pm EST
Whether it be the “mamas” in African villages or the “mamacitas” in the Caribbean Islands, Central and South American villages, these matriarchs of community are the empowered women supporting their communities. We come together in our NY/NJ regional community, set back, but determined not to be defeated in the face of the COVID19 pandemic. Yes, we are in the epicenter of this global pandemic, but we are empowered to hold up our community with our collective voice and vision of opportunity to close gaps in racial and gender equality.
Ya se trate de las “mamas” en las aldeas africanas o las “mamacitas” en las aldeas de América Central y del Sur, estas matriarcas de la comunidad son los ancianos con poder que apoyan a sus comunidades. Nos reunimos en nuestra comunidad regional de NY / NJ, retrocedimos, pero decidimos no ser derrotados ante la pandemia de COVID19. Sí, estamos en el epicentro de esta pandemia mundial, pero estamos facultados para mantener a nuestra comunidad con nuestra voz colectiva y nuestra visión de oportunidad para cerrar brechas en la igualdad de género.

Cultural Face Painting Challenge
We give special thanks to Makeup Artist, Laura M. Hoyos of Paint2Smile for her contributions to this Cultural Face Painting Challenge and to our beautiful #10000Mamacitas logo! Laura captures ART in people's skin. Through design and color, her team of face painters, body painters, balloon twisters and paint & sip instructors allow clients to experience magical moments at all stages of life.
Challenge Criteria
The #10000Mamacitas Cultural Face Painting Challenge launches on Saturday morning, May 30th! There will be 3 winners: 1st place ($100 gift card), 2nd place ($50 gift card) and 3rd place ($25 gift card). With written permission by an adult or guardian, all winners will have the opportunity to decide if they would like to have their winning Cultural Face Painting Challenge image (only in the form of a photo) posted to the Latina Surge Website and #10000Mamacitas web page for a period of one year. Mandatory hashtags and handles: #10000Mamacitas @LatinaSurge
Optional: #RacialParity #GenderParity #Latina #Latinx #EqualPay #COVID19Disparities
Greatest # of likes of a PHOTO on Facebook or Instagram (or combination)
Must submit legal and respectable PHOTO image
The Earliest Posting Date Must Be on Saturday morning of May 30th, 7am EST
Challenge closing date is Monday, June 22th at 12am midnight EST
Symbols and Designs Only (no words)
Artist Laura Hoyos’ Demonstration in SPANISH
Artist Laura Hoyos’ Demonstration in ENGLISH
Zoom Virtual Event schedule // Facebook Streamed schedule
- Elisa Charters - Opening Remarks 12 PM
President, Latina Surge National/Lean In Latina Surge Network
- Yolanda F. Johnson - Special Presentation 12:02 PM
President, YFJ Consulting & Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy
- Honorary Keynote: Anna Maria Chávez 12:10-12:20PM
Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer of the National School Boards Association (NSBA)
- Amanda Guzmán on Allyship and the Double-Double Shift 12:20-12:30PM
Vice President, Finance & Operations Sheryl Sandberg & Dave Goldberg Family Foundation LeanIn.Org | OptionB.Org
- Cafecito Chats with Topic Experts 12:30-1:30PM
See List of Expert Speakers Below - Personal Stories, Perseverance, Key Strategies for Success in the Coming Months
- Beverly Neufeld - Closing Remarks 1:30 PM
President, PowHer New York - Your Vision of Inclusion
Cafecito Chats with Topic Experts
- Social Justice & Worker's Rights 12:30-12:45PM
Sandra Diaz - Director of Economic Empowerment at Restore NYC - Human Trafficking
- Social Justice & Worker's Rights 12:30-12:45PM
Patricia Campos-Medina, Ph.D. - Extension Faculty, The Worker Institute - Cornell ILR
- Social Justice & Worker's Rights 12:30-12:45PM
Cuqui Rivera - Latino Action Network - Criminal Justice/Incarceration
- Corporate Social Responsibility/Supplier Diversity 12:45-12:50PM
Sybil Bost - Community Outreach Specialist, Government & Community Relations - Port Authority of NY & NJ - Essex County
- Professional Development/Employment 12:50-1:00PM
Yai Vargas - The Latinista
- Professional Development/Employment 12:50-1:00PM
Jennifer Paulino - ALPFA NJ
- Manifestation & Vision thru Crisis 1:00-1:10PM
Valeria Aloe - CEO & Founder, Abundancia Consciente/AlphaQuest Consulting & Director of Entrepreneurship - SHCCNJ
- Manifestation & Vision thru Crisis 1:00-1:10PM
Marisol Capellan - Academic Associate Director of Leadership Program & Faculty, Dept. of Management, University of Miami Business School
- Education (Academic & Life Skills) 1:10-1:20PM
Prudence Pigott - TriCounty Scholarship Fund
- Education (Academic & Life Skills) 1:10-1:20PM
Dr. Katia Paz Goldfarb, Ph.D. - MSU Professor & Assistant Vice President for Hispanic Serving Initiatives - Academic Affairs at Montclair State & Fellow, Academia de Liderazgo
- Education (Academic & Life Skills) 1:10-1:20PM
Fleriser Bello - Bellas Fashionistas - Grass Roots Teen Empowerment-Life Skills
- Legal Perspectives (Big & Small Business Law): 1:20-1:30PM
Rosemarie Moyeno-Matos, Esq
- Legal Perspectives (Big & Small Business Law): 1:20-1:30PM
Lorraine Galvis, Esq
Save your spot
This is your chance to be self-empowered to contribute your voice to the VISION shaping comprehensive Latinx economic and societal recovery. Let’s actively engage, together, to close gaps in gender equality.
Esta es su oportunidad de autoempoderarse para contribuir con su voz a la VISIÓN que da forma a la recuperación económica y social integral de Latinx. Participemos activamente, juntos, para cerrar brechas en la igualdad de género.
ZOOM Virtual
Includes Headline Speakers and All Cafecito Expert SpeakersLimited to FIRST 500 Tickets
Incluye los oradores principales y todos los oradores expertos en los desgloses de Cafecito Limitado a PRIMERAS 1000 entradas
Facebook Stream
Includes Headline Speakers and All Cafecito Expert Speakers9500 Tickets
Incluye los oradores principales y todos los oradores expertos en los desgloses de Cafecito 9500 entradas
75% of Event Proceeds from Tickets and Sponsors put Towards Scholarships & Community Charities-
75% of Event Proceeds from Tickets and Sponsors put Towards Scholarships & Community Charities

Anti-racism library curated by LeanIn.Org
The events of the last few weeks have shone a light on the horrific impacts of systemic racism and white supremacy. From a white woman calling the police and putting Christian Cooper’s life in danger simply because he is a Black man, to the deaths of Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and David McAtee at the hands of police, what we’re seeing shocks the conscience—and yet it is and has been the reality of life for so many Black Americans for far too long.
For the Black women in our community, we know this is an incredibly traumatizing time. It is not your job to educate non-Black people about the way racism shows up in the workplace or in our day-to-day lives. For the white and non-Black women of color in our community, it’s crucial that we come together to internalize the roots of this violence and do our own work to end white supremacy.
Lean In Organization hase compiled the following list of recommended articles and books to help you inform yourselves and take action.
Many of the resources in this library were sourced from other anti-racism collections:
- Anti-racism resources for white people, compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein
- Rachel Ricketts anti-racism resources, compiled by Rachel Ricketts
- Robin DiAngelo, Resources, compiled by Robin DiAngelo PhD
- Activism & Allyship Guide, compiled by the Black@ Airbnb Employee Resource Group
- Black Lives Matter resource document, complied by Black Lives Matter

The Double-Double Shift

Strategies for navigating life and work during COVID-19, curated by the Lean In team
- CNN Business, How to ask for the WFH schedule you need
- Practical tips for how to talk to your boss about adjusting your schedule.
- Gallup, Leading Remotely: What Managers Need to Keep Teams Engaged –
- Learn strategies for leading remotely—and sustaining individual relationships with your team.
- Refinery 29, What To Do If Your Company Doesn’t Have A WFH Policy Yet
- Read strategic tips for how to communicate to your boss or team that you want to work from home, whether they have a work-from-home policy in place or not.
- Wall Street Journal, Coronavirus Job: What the Boss Can—and Can’t—Make You Do
- The Wall Street Journal consulted employment lawyers and other workplace experts about all things logistics related to your employment during a public health crisis. Noting this speaks largely to a U.S. audience.
- Lean In, How to Have Difficult Conversations and Stay True to Yourself
- It is precisely at those times when communication is most vital to achieving your goals that it breaks down most dramatically.
- Thrive Global, Think Done Instead of Perfect
- Striving for perfect can set you up for failure. Instead, change your mindset around how to accomplish your goals.
- HBR, What Your Coworkers Need Right Now Is Compassion
- How to show empathy for your coworkers—even when your own cognitive resources are depleted.
- TED, TED Talk: How the internet enables intimacy
- Stefana Broadbent’s research shows how communication technology is capable of cultivating deeper relationships.
- WBUR, All Of My Friendships Are Virtual Again
- Whitney Scharer shares how she’s embracing virtual get-togethers and finding more time to connect with friends.
- Forbes, Five Practices To Build Authentic Relationships At Work
- Five practices to help you develop genuine, trusting relationships that deepen connections and get results.
- Forbes, Trust Is The Currency For The Crisis: Invest In It
- The way you treat people now will determine how they view your leadership after this crisis is over.
- New York Times, “I Feel Like I Have Five Jobs’: Moms Navigate the Pandemic”
- How to balance work and child care in a society where women still shoulder most of the domestic burden
- A “normal” schedule during a global pandemic is largely impossible for working parents. Learn how to ease the burden with tips like communicating with partners and employers and setting realistic expectations.
- Parents Mag, How to Master Working From Home—While Under Quarantine With Kids
- com, How to ease the burden when you’re working from home with kids
- CNN Business, How to work from home with kids (without losing it)
- CNN, Tips from a teacher: How to homeschool your kids while working during a global pandemic
- New York Times, I refuse to run a Coronavirus homeschool
- HBR, How Dual-Career Couples Can Work Through the Coronavirus Crisis
- There’s plenty of advice on the logistics of dividing housework—but read what a truly supportive dual-career relationship might look like.
- New York Times, Parents Share Their Tiny Victories While Working From Home With Kids
- How you can reframe what success looks like while balancing work and kids at home.
- The Atlantic, The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism
- Women still do the majority of caregiving and housework—and the pandemic will reinforce and widen existing inequalities.
- Fatherly, How to Set Coronavirus Work-From-Home Expectations With Your Boss
- How can you best set work from home expectations with your employer? It’s all about communication.
- HBR, Balancing Work and Elder Care Through the Coronavirus Crisis
- How to build a routine that works for those you care about—and for you.
- How working parents can prepare for school closures (HBR)
- Homeschooling schedules, resources in English, Spanish, and other languages (Khan Academy)
- How to talk kids about coronavirus (PBS kids)
- Rebel Girls PDF activities and resources
- Talking to kids tips from com
- Parenting in the time of Covid-19 (WHO)
- Creating an effective family routine when homebound for coronavirus (CNN)
- How to homeschool during coronavirus (with sample schedules for kids from preschool through 5th grade) (NYT)
- How To Turn Your Home Into A School Without Losing Your Sanity (NPR)
- Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus for parents (ChildMind.org)
- Lower your expectations and other parenting advice for COVID-19 (CPR)
- Option B’s curated list of support for you and your loved ones
- Care for your coronavirus anxiety
- Burnout Isn’t Just in Your Head. It’s in Your Circumstances (NYT)
- How to take care of your mental health during COVID 19 (AFSP)
- 10 Ways to Ease Your Coronavirus Anxiety (NYT)
- 11 Things You Can Do To Manage Your Coronavirus Anxiety (WBUR)
- Stress and coping, from the Center for Disease Control (en Español) (CDC)
- Your Guide to Increasing Psychological Capital (Positive Psychology)
- Help others – altruism is good for our mental health (The Lancet)
- Therapists Answer Your Top Questions About Coronavirus Anxiety
- Managing healthcare workers’ stress (en Español) (USDVA)
- Therapists answer your top questions about coronavirus anxiety (Shine)