We successfully hosted our Cannabis
Access & Awareness Event on
Tuesday, Sept. 14th.
Learn more about who supported this effort below.
Inclusion of Multicultural BIPOC Women in Cannabis Opportunities
Event is fully inclusive and welcomes all interested!
Event Highlights
Join us in celebrating our Latina Cultura this Hispanic Heritage Month!
We seek to create a platform of allyship in support of multicultural BIPOC women, by ensuring participation and inclusion via Cannabis education and economic advancement.
Our expert panel speakers will provide information on access to the emerging Cannabis industry within the regulatory and licensing frameworks set by the states of NY and NJ.
Programming will focus on various opportunities for professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking information on cannabis across licensing areas.
We encourage you to join us in taking action towards Allyship in the Cannabis space! Actionable Allyship and strategic CSR can support our Black, AfroLatinx and multicultural BIPOC communities regionally and nationally, championing racial and gender equality.
Te animamos a que te unas a nosotros para emprender acciones hacia Allyship en el espacio del cannabis! La alianza accionable y la CSR estratégica pueden apoyar a nuestras comunidades Afrolatinas y multiculturales de BIPOC a nivel regional y nacional, defendiendo la igualdad racial y de género.
Sign up or sponsor our 2021 virtual #10000Mamacitas Cannabis Event hosted by Latina Surge National on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021, 6 – 7:30pm ET .
Regístrese para nuestro evento virtual #10000Mamacitas que se llevará a cabo el martes 14 de sept. a la 6-7:30 p.m. ET con Latina Surge National.
Our goal is to bring awareness to the affects of this pandemic on women’s ability to stay in the workforce and offer solutions in the accelerating Cannabis market to help empower Latina & BIPOC women take control of their financial opportunities and stability. Black and brown communities have long suffered cycles of poverty relating to Cannabis; this is a social responsibility effort to ensure upward mobility out of those cycles of poverty.
Translation in Spanish: Nuestro objetivo es crear conciencia sobre los efectos de esta pandemia en la capacidad de las mujeres para permanecer en la fuerza laboral y ofrecer soluciones para ayudar a empoderar a las mujeres latinas para que tomen el control de su salud, bienestar y estabilidad financiera.
Nonprofit partners: Latina Surge National and 100 Hispanic Women National along with leading leading partners Montclair State University Feliciano School of Business and its Center for Entrepreneurship, Lean In NYC, Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the NJ Cannabis Association and many others invite invested empowerment organizations and corporate supporters to join us in this outreach effort.
Who is a #mamacita? Anyone committed to sharing their VOICE and VISION in unity, to help shape comprehensive societal recovery and economic stability for women and multicultural communities of color. Our #10000Mamacitas campaign goal is to reach 10,000 BIPOC/Latina/x women to help effectuate self-empowerment and closure of the amplified gaps in racial and gender equality.
Great disparities have been realized through the COVID19 pandemic, especially for marginalized women. In December of 2020 alone, 140,000 Black and Latina women lost jobs.
Latina Surge National is a 501c3 nonprofit with a formally recognized global Lean In Network. The organization has a mission to help BIPOC and Latina professional women to self-empower (#INPOWER), and to help members of our communities reach gender and racial parity, and wealth generation.
Is a non-profit, non-partisan women’s organization with
members from a wide range of industries and interests.
As an organization of dynamic and accomplished leaders,
we strive to eliminate obstacles and encourage Latinas
to be innovative, maximize our potential, create strategic
partnerships, promote inclusion in government and
corporate America and improve the status of Hispanics.
Spanish Translation:
Socios sin fines de lucro: Latina Surge National and 100 Hispanic Women National junto con Montclair State University Feliciano School of Business y Center for Entrepreneurship, Lean In NYC, Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, y NJ Cannabis Association invitamos a organizaciones de empoderamiento y simpatizantes que se unan a nosotros en este esfuerzo de divulgación.
¿Quién es una #mamacita? Cualquiera comprometido a compartir su VOZ y VISIÓN en unidad, para ayudar a dar forma a la recuperación social integral y la estabilidad económica para las mujeres y las comunidades multiculturales de color. El objetivo de nuestra campaña # 10000Mamacitas es llegar a 10,000 mujeres BIPOC / Latina / x para ayudar a lograr el auto-empoderamiento y el cierre de las brechas ampliadas en la igualdad racial y de género.
Se han detectado grandes disparidades a través de la pandemia de COVID19, especialmente para las mujeres marginadas. Solo en diciembre de 2020, 140.000 mujeres negras y latinas perdieron sus trabajos.
Latina Surge National es una organización sin fines de lucro 501c3 con una red global Lean In reconocida formalmente. La organización tiene la misión de ayudar a las mujeres profesionales latinas y BIPOC a empoderarse a sí mismas (#INPOWER) y ayudar a los miembros de nuestras comunidades a alcanzar la paridad racial y de género y la generación de riqueza.
Es una organización de mujeres sin fines de lucro y no partidista con
miembros de una amplia gama de industrias e intereses.
Como organización de líderes dinámicos y consumados,
nos esforzamos por eliminar obstáculos y alentar a las latinas
ser innovadores, maximizar nuestro potencial, crear estrategias
asociaciones, promover la inclusión en el gobierno y
América corporativa y mejorar el estatus de los hispanos.
Tuesday, September 14th, 6-7:30pm ET (please use Sign up buttons on this page)
Martes, 14 de Septiembre 6-7:30pm ET (use los botones Registrarse en esta página)
This is a fully inclusive event inviting anyone who supports inclusion to sign up. Registration is required.
Este es un evento totalmente inclusivo que invita a registrarse a cualquier persona que apoye la inclusión. Es necesario registrarse.
Virtually via Zoom Webinar.
Tickets are FREE and give access to presenters and expert speakers on Zoom Webinar.
Prácticamente a través de Zoom Webinar.
Los boletos son GRATIS y dan acceso a múltiples presentadores y oradores expertos en Zoom Webinar.
We want to come together with our collective VOICE and VISION to help shape comprehensive societal recovery and economic stability for BIPOC, Latina and multicultural women. We want to share concrete examples of how women can participate in the benefits of opportunities in Cannabis industries. Our ultimate goal is to support opportunities for wealth generation.
Queremos unirnos con nuestra VOZ y VISIÓN colectivas para ayudar a dar forma a la recuperación social integral y la estabilidad económica para las mujeres BIPOC, latinas y multiculturales. Queremos compartir ejemplos concretos de cómo las mujeres pueden participar en los beneficios de las oportunidades en las industrias Cannabis. Nuestro objetivo final es apoyar las oportunidades para la generación de riqueza.
Career Options/Work-Life Balance
Cannabis Education
Community Impact/Social Justice
Cannabis Health & Wellness Trends
Equal pay (45% Differential!)
Wealth Generation
Primary and Secondary Micro & Small Business Opportunities Relating to Licensing
“We want small, local businesses to get established before we start talking about having large multi-state operating companies coming in and essentially creating a box store environment. It’s better for the economy if we support local small and mid-sized businesses.” – Edmund Deveaux, President of NJ CannaBusiness Association on his support for promoting business opportunities within communities that have been disproportionately affected by the criminalization of cannabis, fostering small business growth as well as communication between industry leaders and local municipalities

Celebrating #cultura and connecting with #10000Mamacitas in our professional and community circles for greater outreach on #Cannabis.
Mamas take back this endearing term.
Laura Hoyos - #10000Mamacitas Creative Director & Owner of Paint2Smile
Thank you for our beautiful #10000Mamacitas Logo Design
On Tuesday, September 14th, we will focus on many aspects of the Cannabis industry.
Our goal is to create wealth generation opportunities for multicultural women. We want women to have knowledge about all aspects of Cannabis, and within the legal constructs of the states of New York and New Jersey.
As background, in 2020, the #10000Mamacitas Campaign originated as a collaboration between Latina Surge National and PowHER NY to help shape economic stability and support for BIPOC/Latina women during the pandemic.
Our campaign in 2021 involves a 2-part CBD/Cannabis awareness effort. In April, we hosted a Health, Wellness & Beauty CBD Industry Event with leading industry experts and Hermana community partners, to create awareness and access to CBD opportunities.
expert speakers & panelists
- Edmund DeVeaux | President, New Jersey CannaBusiness Association
Mr. DeVeaux, a graduate of Rutgers University and a commissioned officer in the United States Army, brings a wealth of state and national private, public, and not-for-profit sector experience to this team. Mr. DeVeaux’s professional career began in New Jersey state government, which was highlighted by his role as a capital budget analyst in the New Jersey Department of the Treasury - Office of Management and Budget. In that role, Mr. DeVeaux oversaw the capital budgets and related projects for the New Jersey departments of Corrections, Human Services, New Jersey State Police, and the Department of State. Mr. DeVeaux went on to serve as the Aide to the Mayor, City of New Brunswick, New Jersey; and as special assistant to US Senator Bill Bradley. An accomplished executive, Mr. DeVeaux’s corporate career includes leadership roles with the country’s largest multinational water-related service and environmental companies. Utilizing his skills in the areas of government affairs and business development, Edmund has been part of the external growth, internal development, and public policy and reputation management strategies for these companies. In particular, Edmund was involved with the successful development of some of the nation’s largest public-private partnerships for water and wastewater services. Providing numerous television and other media appearances, Edmund established himself as an industry expert on matters involving infrastructure finance and renewal.
- Kristin Jordan | Executive Director, Asian Cannabis Roundtable
Kristin Jordan is a commercial real estate broker, attorney, and community leader in the NY cannabis industry. She is also the Founder and Executive Director of the Asian Cannabis Roundtable, an organization she created in 2017. In addition, Kristin served as the Director of Real Estate at Acreage Holdings. In that role, Kristin leads Acreage’s efforts with regard to selecting real estate sites for the company's national footprint of cultivation, processing and dispensary facilities, managing brokerage relationships, and negotiating and administering leases. Kristin also served as Senior Counsel in the Cannabis Practice Group at Greenspoon Marder. Earlier, she practiced real estate law at several boutique firms and was Real Estate Director at Kaplan, Inc., SoulCycle and other companies. Kristin's passion for advancing cannabis reform has extended to a variety of professional and non-profit endeavors. She was the Founder of Mannada, a NYC-based cannabis professional event production company, which launched The Maze, a cannabis event listing newsletter, as well as industry events including the Cannabis Media Summit and Cannabis Law Summit. Kristin is also a co-founder of the NYC-based non-profit Cannabis Cultural Association. Additionally, Kristin serves as a member of the New York State Bar Association Committee on Cannabis, the Minority Cannabis Business Association Policy Committee, and the National Cannabis Industry Association Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
- Dr. David M. Cunic | UCS Advisors
Dr. David M. Cunic is a licensed physical therapist, business consultant, certified leadership coach, and cannabis industry expert and consultant. David’s expertise in sports medicine, orthopedics, and manual therapy has allowed him to work with prestigious doctors from numerous professional and Olympic sports teams. His motto in both health and professional circles is U.C.S. — “Use Cannabis Safely.” As one of the original pioneers in the cannabis lab testing market, David empowers and educates private investors, real estate owners, farmers, physicians, and other professionals on smart and safe ways to get involved in this ever-changing sector. David consults with cannabis companies in 11+ states, bringing with him a unique, in-depth knowledge base on the ins and outs of regulations as they vary from region to region. He advises with many start-up companies and works with several SME’s cannabis executives, ensuring and enhancing their success within their respected focus. David shares his experiences at conferences and speaking engagements throughout the U.S. He is a co-author of The Cannabis Conundrum and has been interviewed by several publications, including MSNBC, USA Today, Marijuana Business Magazine, and Cannabis Business Times. He received the prestigious Sloan Award for Workplace Flexibility and Effectiveness which honors organizations that are using workplace flexibility as a strategy to make work “work” better, for both employer and employee. He has also served as a board member on cannabis associations in New Jersey, Nevada, Colorado, Maine, and Rhode Island.
- Jessica Gonzalez | CEO of InCharge of InCharged
Jessica Gonzalez is a lifelong New Jersey entrepreneur and self-starter. As a Latina mother, the path to building a business hasn't been easy - but Jessica lives and works with the attitude that "nothing is impossible.” She started InCharged 2009 with a dream to create an opportunity for marketers to reach their audience in a new and innovative way. InCharged has grown to become the nation’s leading custom cell phone charging station manufacturer and distributor. It works with some of the largest event producers, experiential marketing agencies, brands, and venues. It provides the most cutting-edge technology to its clients and users because it is in a constant state of research and development - InCharged products are always improving and the company continuously learns how better to serve its customers. When the pandemic hit, she needed to pivot for her company's survival, and to support entirely different operational needs of her clients. Lux Disinfect provides customized solutions to address each of the ways that viruses are spread.
- Arlene Quiñones Perez | Company - TBD
Arlene Quiñones Perez is an Equity Partner and the Director of Diversity & Inclusion at DeCotiis. She is a member of the Labor and Employment Practice Group, the Municipal Law Practice Group, the Educational Law Practice Group and the Cannabis Law Practice Group. She has also been at the forefront of the cannabis legal practice in New Jersey for over a decade and has been advocating for the expansion of medical marijuana and other legal reforms related to medical cannabis. Prior to joining the DeCotiis law firm, she served as General Counsel to the Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters ("NRCC"), which is a skilled trade organization that at the time represented carpenters in New Jersey, New York State and throughout the United States. Previously, Arlene served as an Associate with Kroll Heineman Carton, LLC, where she focused on labor law, municipal law, securities fraud, and election law. From 2011-2012, Arlene served as a Judicial Term Law Clerk for the Honorable Michael A. Shipp in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. Prior to joining the Federal District Court, Arlene was an attorney with Murphy Orlando, LLC and a registered lobbyist with Impact NJ, LLC. From 2009-2010, Arlene served as a Judicial Term Law Clerk to the Honorable Lisa P. Thornton in the Superior Court for the State of New Jersey. Arlene also serves as the Treasurer for Latinas United for Political Empowerment ("LUPE"). From 2016 to 2017, Arlene served as the President of the Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey where she served on the Board for over ten years. Arlene was featured in the Hispanic Executive Magazine, listed by PoliticsNJ on the 40 Under 40 Power List, as one of New Jersey's top 50 rising stars, and featured in the Star-Ledger as a Person of Interest.
- Dan Ulloa | Editor of HeadyNJ.com
Dan Ulloa is the Editor of HeadyNJ.com, a news site covering cannabis news in New Jersey and the federal government including the nuances of the legalization, the industry’s progress, and emerging start-ups. Dan’s work includes writing articles, blogs, and advertorials the industry that have appeared on news.medicalmarijuanainc.com, thepotnetwork.com, freedomleaf.com, cannainvestormag.com, and thebluntness.io. In addition, Dan has been a cannabis advocate as part of his position on the board of the Latino Action Network since 2019.
Leadership Team:

Elisa Charters – Latina Surge National, Co-founder & President; Owner of EAC Business International LLC

Estela Rizzuto – Latina Surge National, Advisory Board Chair & Owner of Stellar Vision LLC

Nancy Genova, MPA – 100 Hispanic Women National, President

Minerva Salles – Dynamic and Visionary Multicultural Leader & Founder of OMG Creative Solutions

Valeria Aloe – Latina Surge National, Vice President & Founder of Abudancia Consciente LLC

Monica Martinez Milan – Latina Surge National, CSR Chair & Owner of Stumpy’s Hatchet House

Debra Albert – Leader of Lean In Network – NYC
Zoom Virtual Event schedule (6pm-7:30pm ET)
- Valeria Aloe - Opening Remarks 6:00 PM
Vice President, Latina Surge National/Lean In Latina Surge Network & Author #UncolonizedLatinas and Director of Strategic Planning, Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Nancy Genova - President of 100 Hispanic Women 6:05 PM
President, 100 Hispanic Women New York
- Elisa Charters - Moderator on Panel 1 - Licensing in NY & NJ 6:10 PM
President, Latina Surge National/Lean In Latina Surge Network & Principal of EAC Business International LLC/BEADEI
- Cannabis Panel 1: Edmund DeVeaux (NJ Perspective) 6:10 PM
President, New Jersey CannaBusiness Association
- Cannabis Panel 1: Kristen Jordan, Esq. (NY Perpective) 6:10pm
Executive Director, Asian Cannabis Roundtable
- Monica Martinez Milan - Moderator on Panel 2 - Small Business Opportunities for Latinas & BIPOC Communities 6:35 PM
Moderator: Board Member - Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of NJ; CSR Chair Latina Surge National, Owner of Stumpy's Hatchet House (NJ, NY, FL.) & Canna-investor
- Cannabis Panel 2: Dr. David Cunic, MD 6:35 PM
Wellness Physician & Cannabis Entrepreneur
- Cannabis Panel 2: Jessica Gonzalez 6:35 PM
CEO and Founder of InCharged
- Minerva Salles - Moderator on Panel 3 - Government & Regulatory Perspectives 6:50 PM
Moderator: Dynamic and Visionary Multicultural Leader; Founder of OMG Creative Solutions
- Cannabis Panel 3: Arlene Quiñones Perez, Esq. 6:50 PM
Equity Partner, Cannabis Law Practice Group and the Director of Diversity & Inclusion at DeCotiis
- Cannabis Panel 3: Dan Ulloa 6:50 PM
Editor of HeadyNJ.com & Cannabis Policy Advisory for Latino Action Network
- Estela Rizzuto - Moderator on Q&A 7:10 PM
Advisory Chair, Latina Surge National & CEO StellarVision LLC
- Luis de la Hoz - Closing Remarks on HHM & Access 7:25 PM
Chairman, Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of NJ

The Double-Double Shift

Strategies for navigating life and work during the pandemic, curated by the Lean In team
- CNN Business, How to ask for the WFH schedule you need
- Practical tips for how to talk to your boss about adjusting your schedule.
- Gallup, Leading Remotely: What Managers Need to Keep Teams Engaged –
- Learn strategies for leading remotely—and sustaining individual relationships with your team.
- Refinery 29, What To Do If Your Company Doesn’t Have A WFH Policy Yet
- Read strategic tips for how to communicate to your boss or team that you want to work from home, whether they have a work-from-home policy in place or not.
- Wall Street Journal, Coronavirus Job: What the Boss Can—and Can’t—Make You Do
- The Wall Street Journal consulted employment lawyers and other workplace experts about all things logistics related to your employment during a public health crisis. Noting this speaks largely to a U.S. audience.
- Lean In, How to Have Difficult Conversations and Stay True to Yourself
- It is precisely at those times when communication is most vital to achieving your goals that it breaks down most dramatically.
- Thrive Global, Think Done Instead of Perfect
- Striving for perfect can set you up for failure. Instead, change your mindset around how to accomplish your goals.
- New York Times, “I Feel Like I Have Five Jobs’: Moms Navigate the Pandemic”
- How to balance work and child care in a society where women still shoulder most of the domestic burden
- A “normal” schedule during a global pandemic is largely impossible for working parents. Learn how to ease the burden with tips like communicating with partners and employers and setting realistic expectations.
- Parents Mag, How to Master Working From Home—While Under Quarantine With Kids
- com, How to ease the burden when you’re working from home with kids
- CNN Business, How to work from home with kids (without losing it)
- CNN, Tips from a teacher: How to homeschool your kids while working during a global pandemic
- New York Times, I refuse to run a Coronavirus homeschool
- HBR, How Dual-Career Couples Can Work Through the Coronavirus Crisis
- There’s plenty of advice on the logistics of dividing housework—but read what a truly supportive dual-career relationship might look like.
- New York Times, Parents Share Their Tiny Victories While Working From Home With Kids
- How you can reframe what success looks like while balancing work and kids at home.
- The Atlantic, The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism
- Women still do the majority of caregiving and housework—and the pandemic will reinforce and widen existing inequalities.
- Fatherly, How to Set Coronavirus Work-From-Home Expectations With Your Boss
- How can you best set work from home expectations with your employer? It’s all about communication.
- HBR, Balancing Work and Elder Care Through the Coronavirus Crisis
- How to build a routine that works for those you care about—and for you.
- How working parents can prepare for school closures (HBR)
- Homeschooling schedules, resources in English, Spanish, and other languages (Khan Academy)
- How to talk kids about coronavirus (PBS kids)
- Rebel Girls PDF activities and resources
- Talking to kids tips from com
- Parenting in the time of Covid-19 (WHO)
- Creating an effective family routine when homebound for coronavirus (CNN)
- How to homeschool during coronavirus (with sample schedules for kids from preschool through 5th grade) (NYT)
- How To Turn Your Home Into A School Without Losing Your Sanity (NPR)
- Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus for parents (ChildMind.org)
- Lower your expectations and other parenting advice for COVID-19 (CPR)
- Option B’s curated list of support for you and your loved ones
- Care for your coronavirus anxiety
- Burnout Isn’t Just in Your Head. It’s in Your Circumstances (NYT)
- How to take care of your mental health during COVID 19 (AFSP)
- 10 Ways to Ease Your Coronavirus Anxiety (NYT)
- 11 Things You Can Do To Manage Your Coronavirus Anxiety (WBUR)
- Stress and coping, from the Center for Disease Control (en Español) (CDC)
- Your Guide to Increasing Psychological Capital (Positive Psychology)
- Help others – altruism is good for our mental health (The Lancet)
- Therapists Answer Your Top Questions About Coronavirus Anxiety
- Managing healthcare workers’ stress (en Español) (USDVA)
- Therapists answer your top questions about coronavirus anxiety (Shine)